The mission of the Civil Engineering Department is to impart quality Engineering Education to meet the Technological advances and Industrial requirements matching with Global Standards to make the students practically oriented, to enable them to handle the real life technical problems in future with confidence.
The vision of the Civil Engineering Department is to provide world clean technical education with the objective of molding the youth into enlightened citizens, who will work for the betterment of society.Our students are trained to develop a balanced personality and will prove to be an invaluable asset to an organization.
To impart and ensure value based Quality Education and mould the inherent talent of youth into skills required in the dynamic and highly competitive world of technology.This exposure will enable the students to enter their profession with confidence, live in a harmonious way and contribute to the productivity.
Produce disciplined creative and quality engineers.
To educate students to their highest potential of intellectual achievement & personal growth.
To provide every student with a strong conceptual foundation in the core areas of our field.
To achieve academic excellence by innovating teaching methods & enhancing team work & analysis skills among students.
To make dept one of the best equipped departments in the region .
Providing students with hands-on engineering experience through laboratory courses and project so that they can explore their areas of interest to the best.
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S. Amarjit Singh Sahi Government Polytechnic College, Talwara
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Computer Engineering Department