Mandatory Disclosure
10.1 | Name of Institution | SASS Govt. Polytechnic college |
Address of Institution | Sector-4, Talwara Township Tehsil: Mukerian District: Hoshiarpur Pin Code: 144216 |
City & Pin Code | Talwara,1442216 | |
State | Punjab | |
Longitude & Latitude | 31.9544613 & 75.8500553 | |
Phone No. | 01883-238222,01883-238333 | |
FAX No. | ||
Office Hrs at Institution | 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM | |
Academic Hrs at Institution | 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM(8 Hrs) | |
gpctalwara@gmail.com | ||
Website | gpctalwara.in | |
10.2 | Type of Institution | Govt. |
10.3 | Name of Organisation running this Institution | Directorate of Technical Education & Industrial Training,Chandigarh(Govt. of Punjab) |
Type of Organisation | Govt. | |
Address of Institution | Sector-4, Talwara Township Tehsil: Mukerian District: Hoshiarpur Pin Code: 144216 |
Registered with | NOT APPLICABLE | |
Registered date | Not applicable | |
Website of Organisation | gpctalwara.in | |
10.4 | Name of the Affiliating Board | State Board Of Technical Edcation & Industrial Training |
Address | Sector 36-A,Chandigarh | |
Website | punjabteched.com | |
latest affiliation Period | 2016 | |
10.5 | Name of Principal | Sh. Rajesh Kumar |
Exact Designation | Principal | |
Phone No. | 01883-238222,01883-238333 | |
Mob. No | 95011-07353 | |
gpctalwara@punjab.gov.in | ||
Highest Degree | M.Tech. | |
Field of specialization | ||
10.7 | Governing Board members | Government Institution |
Frequency of meeting | Not Applicable | |
Academic advisory body | Not Applicable | |
Involvement of faculty and students in academic improvement | Yes | |
Student Feedback mechanism on Inst Governance/Faculty Performance | Available | |
Grievance redressal Mechanism for faculty,staff and students | Anti-ragging committee , Grievance Redressal Committee, Internal Complaint Committee |
10.8 | Name of Programmes approved by AICTE | Computer Science and Engg., Electronics and Communication Engg., Electrical Engg., Mechanical Engg., Civil Engg. |
Name of programmes,duration and no. of seats | Click here to See admission table | |
Cut-off marks during last 3 years | Qualifying exam basis(10th) | |
Fees In Rupees | As per Govt. Rules | |
10.9 | Permanent Faculty | 18 |
Adjunct faculty | 6 (Part-time Faculty) | |
Permanent faculty:Student Ratio | ||
N/o. of faculty employed and left during last 3 years | 12 | |
10.10 | Faculty Profile | See Our Faculty Menu |
10.11 | Detail of fee | |
Time Schedule for payment of fee | January and July | |
Number of Scholarships Offered by Institution,Duration and amount | ||
Criteria for Fee waiver | Qualifing exam basis(10th) | |
10.12 | No. of seats sanctioned with year of approval | Click here to See Admission table |
No. Of Students admitted under various categories in last 3 years | ||
No. of applicatons received under management quota | Not applicable | |
10.13 | admission test being followed | N.A. |
No. of seats alloted to different test qualified candidate | N.A. | |
10.14 | Criteria for admission | Qualifying exam marks(10th) |
Minimum level of Acceptance | N.A. | |
Cut-off percentage in admission test in last 3 years | N.A. | |
Display marks scored in test | N.A. | |
10.15 | List of candidates who have applied along with percentage and percentile score for management quota seats | N.A. |
10.16 | Result of admision under manqgement quota seats | N.A. |
10.17 | Number of Class rooms | 12 |
Number of tutorial rooms and size of each: | 05 | |
Number of laboratories | 15 | |
Number of drawing halls: | 03 | |
Number of computer centres | NA | |
Central examination facility,Number of rooms and capacity of each | Click here for table ALL ROOM SIZE | |
Barrier free built environment for disabledv and eklderly persons | Available | |
Occupancy Certificate | Yes | |
Fire and safefy cerficate | Yes | |
number of library books/titles/journals available | Library books: 3300 titles: 1000 Journals: 8 | |
List online national/International journals subscribed | Not Available | |
List of experimental setup in each lab/workshop | table LIST OF MAJOR EQUIPMENTS | |
Internet bandwidth | 32Mbps | |
Number of computers | 65 | |
Total number of system connected by lan | ALL COMPUTERS | |
Innovation Cell | No | |
Social Media Cell | Yes | |
Compliance of the National Academic Depository, applicable to PGCM/PGDM Institutions | No | |
Games and Sports Facilities | Available | |
Extra-Curricular Activities | Available | |
Soft skill Development Facilities | Available | |
Curricula and syllabus for each of programmes | punjabteched.com | Teaching load of each faculty | Lecturer: Senior Lect: Head of Deptt.: |
Internal Continuous evaluation system | Available | |
Student's assessment of faculty,system | Available | |
Post Graduate course | N.A. | library facilities | Available |
Seminar hall | Available | |
Cafeteria | Available | |
Outdoor Sports Facilities | Available |